About Not Coffee

Your Coffee Ritual, Reimagined: Free from Jitters and Health Concerns

At Not Coffee, we’ve created a herbal, caffeine-free coffee alternative that looks, acts, and tastes remarkably close to traditional coffee—without any of the caffeine.

☕ Herbal Ingredients that Mimic Coffee: Our chicory-based instant and ground herbal coffee alternatives offer the satisfaction of a coffee ritual without the bitterness, acidity, or caffeine found in regular and decaf coffee.

🍃 Rich in Antioxidants: Not Coffee is packed with antioxidants, prebiotics, and essential vitamins and minerals, providing a wholesome alternative that nourishes your body without the need for caffeine.

🧘 Gentle on Your Well-being: Unlike coffee, decaf, or other stimulating substitutes, Not Coffee won't disrupt your gut, sleep patterns, blood pressure, or thyroid function, nor will it trigger anxiety. It’s a nurturing and gentle replacement for your daily coffee fix.

Benefits of Not Coffee

Reduce Anxiety

Caffeine's jittery effects on your body are similar to those of a frightening event because caffeine stimulates your “fight or flight” response and increases lactic acid, which can make anxiety worse and can even trigger an anxiety attack. Not Coffee contains no caffeine or stimulants, and will not trigger anxiety that stems from stimulants.

Full of Goodness

Not Coffee's blend of premium ingredients are full of antioxidants, prebiotics, nutritious vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B6, C, E, folate, potassium, inulin, manganese, iron, magnesium, selenium, calcium and zinc.

Improve Digestive Health

Unlike coffee which often causes digestive dysfunction, Not Coffee's main ingredient chicory root has been shown to improve gut health. It contains inulin, which increases the growth of good bacteria in the gut. Inulin has also shown benefits such as decreased constipation and increased bowel function, as well as even decreasing insulin resistance and lowering blood sugar.

Sleep Better

Not Coffee contains absolutely no caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant and not ideal for promoting quality sleep. Removing it from your day keeps cortisol and melatonin at their natural rhythms, which results in better sleep and less fatigue.

Decreases Inflammation

Inflammation is the root cause of most diseases. Drinking coffee, which is extremely acidic, increases inflammation in the body. Not Coffee has the opposite effect. It promotes a more alkaline environment in the body. It contains plant polyphenols, which are known for their role in decreasing inflammation and preventing degenerative diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

The hidden risk of decaf

Decaf coffee might seem like a harmless alternative for avoiding caffeine, but it comes with its own concerns. The caffeine removal process often uses chemical solvents like methylene chloride, a known carcinogen also used to strip paint and clean metal. This chemical poses significant health risks, and health advocacy groups are pushing for its ban.

Moreover, decaf coffee isn’t entirely caffeine-free. It typically contains about five percent caffeine, but this amount is largely unregulated, making it unreliable for those trying to eliminate caffeine for health reasons.

At Not Coffee, we provide a truly caffeine-free alternative that offers the rich, satisfying experience of coffee without the health risks associated with caffeine and decaf. Enjoy the ritual and the flavor without compromise.